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Lake Arenal, Costa Rica
The Arenal Seasons
Changeable by the hour, yet consistent from year to year, the seasons at Arenal are quite different from those of the coastal lowlands, requiring no air conditioning. A great many of our days top out in the mid-80s and bottom out at around 70, though 91 and 63 have been felt by residents in recent years. Generally in Costa Rica, the year is divided into the dry season and the wet - or "green" - season, the dry season covering November through March and the green season the rest of the year. The rains come in April and the parched brown look of the lowlands is transformed as the flora revel in the new supply of water. At Arenal, in contrast, there is never a parched look, though the smaller streams tend to dry up. Instead, while the lowlands are baking or steaming with heat and humidity from November through March, winds sweep down Lake Arenal from east to west, powering excited windsurfers and kitesurfers drawn to this world-famous windy mecca and also powering the more than 200 wind turbines that parade along the west-end hilltops. So, at Arenal the dry season of the lowlands becomes the windy season. Since rain, not cold, is the measure of the seasons here, the months April through November - more or less - become "invierno" or winter, while November through March become "verano," or summer. While for North Americans at Lake Arenal, the semantics may take getting used to, it's easy to adapt to a year-long summer, where the wardrobe changes involve not clothing, but umbrellas.
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US Phone:(318) 239-9990 Costa Rica Phone: +506-2694-5000   
Our 24-hour US number, 1-310-928-1523, rings to our Costa Rica office 24 hours a day.