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Lake Arenal and Arenal Volano
The only CRGAR and NAR certified Realtor at Lake Arenal, Costa Rica
H214d La Mariposa has flowers and fruit in wonderful abundance

Organic fruits: banana, tgrapefruit, soursop, avocado, almond, lemon, water apple, /passion fruit, papaya, and thousands of pineapple plants

Hardwood treesceiba, eucalyptus, Spanish cedar, corteza amarilla, cenizarolorito, rosewood, laurel, quizarraguanacastecristóbal

Flowersbanderas, morning glories, plumeria, hibiscus, orchids, hydrangea, impatiens, bougainvillea, reinas de la noche 

Coffee: An organic coffee garden was recently planted by Leo, the master local gardener. Imagine harvesting your own bright red beans, then roasting, brewing, and drinking your own joe.

Jungle flora: A new-growth jungle has been established behind the main house at the back of the property overlooking the neighboring tilapia and guapote fish ponds. It is filled with giant bamboo, native jungle plant species, and armor trees. An Infinity Path, a walking and mediation trail, winds through it.

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Tel 011-506-8348-2084
Founded by a Broker previously licensed in Colorado and Washington